We are the only broker in Washington, Oregon and California that does over 90% of their business in Healthcare Real Estate Transactions. Whether it be helping you purchase or lease a new building or office condo for your existing chiropractic practice, find a location for a new chiropractic practice, or renegotiate your lease. our expertise and knowledge of the healthcare industry is an immense help for your real estate needs. We are considered one of the top Healthcare Real Estate Experts on the west coast.
We have helped many healthcare professionals in their real estate transactions ranging from renegotiating many leases to purchasing a 16,000 square foot building. We have also helped with partnership transactions, syndications and other more complicated real estate transactions. We have over 15 years of experience in the healthcare real estate industry. We can also help you analyze real estate investment and evaluate lease vs. purchase scenarios. Our real estate experience is very diverse having performed over 100 transactions in the past 15 years. We also have great relationships with practice designers, architects, contractors and commercial bankers